Saturday, June 09, 2012

Month 7 - Recap

Ohhh buddy.  You're a movin' and a shakin'.  Well.  Not quite.  More like, you're a rollin' and a reachin'.  And a grabbin'.  And still a droolin'.  This might be your last immobile month.  And last toothless month.

You had your first experience with solid food this month.  And in true Smithkid form, you gave real food an enthusiastic thumbs up.  You've had peas, avacado, sweet potato, butternut squash, and banana.  Surprisingly, you didn't seem to care for the banana.  Natalie approves of your rejection, however, since this keeps her from having to share her bananas.  (FYI: your sister is part monkey).  Speaking of your sister, she totally digs feeding you.  And she's really quite skilled at it.  I mean, I HAVE had to make the Just Because the Spoon is However-Many-Inches-Long, It Doesn't Mean You Should Shove It In Its Entirety Down Your Brother's Throat lecture to her a few times, but for the most part, she's a fabulous food-feeder.  And any time you get to spend with her is a-ok with you.  You think she is epically fabulous. 

In true baby form, you're good at grabbing at things.  And in true baby form, you have complete disregard for whether or not the aforementioned things are attached to someone's body.  Grabbing rattles?  Go for it.  Grabbing your bib?  Knock yourself out.  My ear?  Not so cute when you grab and pull as if you're actually trying to separate it from my head.  My cheek?  While they ARE chubby and ARE easy to grab in fistfulls, they are, in fact, still attached to my face.  And no amount of pulling on your part will change that.  But far and away, your most favorite thing to grab is Natalie's hair.  And in your defense, she DOES dangle her head near you and her hair falls right in the path of your hands.  In her defense, though, it DOES hurt.  I keep trying to explain to her that you're not doing it to be mean, you're doing it to play with her.  Except that logic doesn't fly with your entirely-too-logical-for-her-age sister.

You're sitting up really well now, so I think you've finally figured out how to properly balance your big ol' noggin.  At least for a minutes or so.  Which, given that your head makes up like 97% of your overall mass, I feel is quite an accomplishment.  You'll grow into your head one day.  I'm quite certain of it.  And if not, blame your Daddy.  Big-headedness is a Smith trait.  You can blame your dry skin on me.

You still squEEEEEEEEEEEEEal.  And scrEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEch.  Holy moly, kid.  Seriously, there's no contest to win to become the Screechiest Baby in History.  Wait.  I take that back.  There IS a contest.  And you've won.  So now there's no need to screech anymore.

With Natalie, I love all things hairbows and cute little girly-but-not-overly-so shirts.  With you?  It's plaid.  I love plaid with a fierceness that I didn't know existed until 7 months ago.  I think I do a good job of not going overboard because Daddy hasn't vetoed anything I've put on you.  He rolled his eyes when you were decked out in plaid overalls, but I think that was his secret, manyly of saying "Those are awesome!".  At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

As is common with any parent of a new(ish) baby, I get asked about your sleeping habits a lot.  The answer up until a month ago was met with a glare and a grumble (directed toward you, not the question asker).  For a mellow kid, you sure as heck became anything BUT mellow when it was time to sleep.  The only way I could get you to sleep was to nurse you to sleep.  I love nursing you to sleep, don't get me wrong.  What was rough was when you needed to nurse to go BACK to sleep every time you woke up during the night (3, 4, or sometimes 5 times during the night).  You weren't necessarily hungry, you had just gotten used to nursing-sleep routine.  To preserve my sanity and my ability to be a functioning member of society, I (gently - please don't call DCF) broke you of this habit.   Your pediatrician recommended a book for me to try, and while it was pretty rough for a few weeks, you finally got to the point where you can fall back asleep on your own.  It's amazing how NOT getting up 5 times every night makes for a much happier Mommy and Charlie.  Who'da thunk it.

I said this when Natalie was a baby, and I'll say it again with you - Daddy and I make the best-smiling babies on the face of the planet.  Your smile lights up your whole body.  And when combined with your chubby cheeks, your square jaw, your twinkly eyes, and your dimples (oh those DIMPLES!!) ... man, there's just nothing better.  And being your mom?  Man, there's just nothing better.

Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy

Headlines for June 9, 2012:
  • Flashlight Bombs Puzzle Phoenix Authorities
  • Prince Philip Leaves Hospital
  • Click and Clack retiring from 'Car Talk'
  • Lindsay Lohan totals Porsche in car accident
  • Triple Crown bid ends with injury for Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner
  • Far-flung E. coli outbreak sickens 14 in 6 states
  • R u crz? Most teens text while driving, CDC says

Friday, June 01, 2012

Laaaaaame ...

So I thought I'd be able to do weekly picture updates of Natalie and Charlie.  Alas, I was wrong.  I think I have to switch to Monthly Smitkid updates instead of Weekly Smithkid updates.  Unless we hire a nanny and a maid.  THEN I'll do Weekly updates.

May 2012 - Recap

My darling peach,
I so cannot believe you're almost three-and-a-half.  That seriously blows my mind.

While you're still very good at identifying singers and song titles, there are those times when you're stumped.  And in those cases, you're not satisfied with simply not knowing.  Instead, you make up the missing information.  This most often occurs in the van.  Case in point:

*a song comes on KLOVE that I've never heard before*
You: Mommy, who sings this song?
Me: I don't know, sugar.  This is the first time I've heard it.
You: Well what's the name of the song?
Me: I don't know, kiddo.  Let's wait and see if they announce what it is.
You: Oh *I* know!!
Me: Oh yeah?
You: Yes.  It's called .... um .... (looking around the van) ... it's, um ... it's called ... GodCarseatBookCheerios!!
Me: You don't say!  Who sings GodCarseatBookCheerios? 
You: I think it's Nata-yee Gwant.  No, no, no ... wait, no ... it's not Nata-yee Gwant.  It's ... um ... (looking around outside) ... it's FireHydwantBirdGwass.  Yeah, FireHydwantBirdGwass.
Me: FireHydrantBirdGrass?  That's a really lovely name.
You: I know.

In addition to making up singers and song titles, you make up names for EVERYTHING we do.  You dabbled in this a few months ago, but now you're a full-on Inventor of Made-Up Names of Activities.  Such as "Momma, yet's pway the You Tickle Me Game Where I Yaff [laugh] and Yaff and I Say Stop But I Don't Wewwy [really] Mean It and You Tickle My Underarm Pitties [thanks Tickle Monster for that adorable phrase] and Then I Fall on the Gwound [ground] and Then I Get Back on the Couch and You Tickle Me Some More and I Yaff and Yaff and Then You Tickle My Feet.  Yet's pway THAT game, okay?

One of your latest favorite things to do is to add.  I know, I know - big surprise, given the copious amount of nerd blood running through your nerd veins.  You're a champ at counting and adding on your fingers (this is a skill that will last a lifetime, as your 31-year-old mother still counts and adds on her fingers ...).  Our time in the car while running errands is frequently spent adding numbers.  Or counting syllables.  You're really big on counting syllables, too.  And your funny prounciation of certain words leads you to believe they have waaaay more syllables than they actually have.  Like 'three'.  One syllable, right?  Au contraire, mon cheri.  You think 'three' has three syllables.  Thuh-wee-eee.  You also think if you say a word quickly, it only has one syllable.  Like 'apple'.  You hold up one finger and say 'apple' as fast as you can.  And you look at me like 'See, Mom?  I TOLD you 'apple' only had one syllable.'  And if you could roll your eyes, you so would.

You also like to spell.  You've gotten quite good at spelling certain words (Natalie, Daddy, Mommy, dog, cat).  You get very, um, creative, when it comes to spelling other words.  Take 'Ita' for instance (Ita, in case you've forgotten is the name of your imaginary friend.  She's sometimes a girl, sometimes an animal.  Sometimes she's 5 and short, sometimes she's 8 and tall.  She's hard to keep up with, that Ita).  This is the latest way you spell 'Ita':  Eldzwrfjiuktmasqhg.  This darn English language and its silent 'e' and silent 'l' and silent 'd' and silent 'z' and silent 'w' and silent 'r' and silent 'f' and silent 'j' and silent 'u' and silent 'k' and silent 'm' and silent 's' and silent 'q' and silent 'h' and silent 'g'.

You're beginning to realize what life is like with a sibling.  For the first six months of his life, Charlie didn't do much (besides the obligatory eat, sleep, and poop).  And you thought it was fabulous.  But now?  While Charlie's not fully mobile yet, he can definitely grab things.  And those things?  They're the most important things EVER and you can't BEAR the thought of him touching them so you SCREECH and YANK things from his hand for FEAR that he'll somehow RUIN your things by LOOKING at them, let alone TOUCHING them.  This is SERIOUS, Momma.  Quit LAUGHING.  I know, I know.  Sharing your toys with a lump who only eats, sleeps, and poops is easy.  Sharing your toys with a former lump who is now a reaching, grabbing, slobbering, ball of big-headed-brother is a different story.  Better get used to it, sista.  Because this brother of yours?  He thinks the sun rises and sets on you.  I can't blame him.  You ARE pretty awesome.  And awesome people don't screech and yank.  So let's work on that, shall we?

When Daddy comes home from work at night, you run into his arms and ask him "Are you going to stay with me for a yong, yong [long, long] time?"  Seriously.  I couldn't make up something that cute if you paid me a million dollars.  To answer your question, yes, Daddy will stay with you for a yong, yong time.  I will, too.  Hope that's okay.  If not, too bad.  Daddy and I are kind of a match set.

Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy

Headlines for June 1, 2012
  • Bear Disrupts Calif. School Graduation
  • National Bubba Day: 10 Famous Bubbas
  • Sheep-Carrying Truck Overturns; Sheep Rain on Cars
  • Tensions Inside John Edwards Jury Room
  • LA Cop Going for Ferris Wheel Record