Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Month 11 - Recap

My darling, busy little Bear,

It only took 11 months, but we finally got you to do your first 'trick'.  (Yes, I know that makes you sound like a dog.  No, I don't think you're a dog.  Because a dog probably sleeps more and drools less than you.)  You now raise your arms up to the sky when we ask how big you are.  The only problem is that trick only lasted a week.  Now we can't get you do it EVER.  You also wave - never when we ask you to, of course, but periodically throughout the day, I find you waving at random things.  The one thing we can get you to do fairly consistently is to dance.  It's so awesome.  The rhythm first gets you in your head, then it moves down to your shoulders, and finally you wiggle your hips.  The urge to dance usually hits you while you eat.  Which means mealtimes just got a lot more hysterical.

You also took your first assisted steps this month!  I got you a walker earlier this month and for the first few weeks, you just beat on it with your hand and licked it - pretty standard procedure for you.  But then one day, you figured out how to put one foot in front the other.  And then immediately take a knee.  You've only taken three or four steps at a time, but trust me - that's A-OK with me.  I'm not pushing you to be an early walker.  You'll walk when you're ready.  And then I'll go cry in the corner because my baby's all growed up.

I've started letting you fuss in your crib in the mornings while I get your breakfast.  Because your 'I'm Awake and Still in My Crib so I'm Going to Scream Until You Get Me' Cries are a lot more pleasant than your 'I See You Cutting Up That Banana But I'm Going to Scream and Wail and Yell Until That Banana is Shoved in My Mouth' Cries.  I had forgotten just how impatient babies are.  Sheesh!!  Breakfast time is an uber messy time in our house.  Instead of feeding you yogurt, strawberries, and bananas, I (lovingly, of course) slop it on your highchair tray and let you go at it.  It affords me time to eat my breakfast and drink my coffee, and affords you time to get sticky and messy.  And when the carnage is complete?  You look not unlike a lion who just devoured a yogurt-filled gazelle.  Your hands, arms, cheeks and mouth are dripping with yogurt - and you couldn't be more pleased with yourself.

And in keeping with Smithkid tradition, you're a noisy eater.  Just like Bill Murray.

You're now sleeping a solid 12 hours at night and taking two two-hour naps each day.
HAHAHAHAHA!  MAN I crack myself up.  I am, of course, a big fat liar.  Because you, my darling bear, are a big fat non-sleeper.  Wait.  I take that back.  You're a sleeper.  You're just not an A+ sleeper.  Because it's not like you're getting up four or five times during the night.  You sleep pretty consistently through the night, but you sleep juuuuuuuust shy (10 hours) of long enough.  And your naps are juuuuuuuuust shy (1 hr) of long enough.  Which leaves you juuuuuuuuust shy of pleasant for the hour or two before and after naptime/bedtime.  So you're a solid C sleeper.

I know I sound like a big whiny baby in the previous paragraph.  But in all honesty, this little (non)sleeping adventure of yours has been a good kick in the pants in my relationship with the Lord.  When things are going smoothly and life is good, I often forget to thank Him for His blessings.  But the times when things AREN'T smooth?  Well, those times force me to my knees.  Asking for strength.  For patience.  For the ability to get through the day without freaking out.  Being a mom has been the single most thing that has improved my faith.  Because on those days when I feel like I can't keep my cool, I acknowledge that I can't.  So I don't.  I simply pray and ask God to give me HIS cool.  HIS strength.  HIS patience.  I run out in an instant; He is always full.  One of my prayers for you and Natalie is that you'll both learn from an early age not to rely on your own understanding.  Doing so is how pride and/or discouragement seeps in.  We were made to be neither prideful nor discouraged.  Recognizing the blessing you are and acknowledging 100% from Whom the blessing comes makes this mommy both proud [the good kind] and encouraged.

Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy

Headlines for October 9, 2012:

  • Romney Surges in Popularity After First Debate
  • Sandusky Claims Innocence, Sees Plot
  • Hong Kong Couple Sues Over Sons' Harvard Rejection
  • Long-Missing Colo. Marine Buried With Full Honors
  • Roach-Eating Contest: Florida Man Dead
  • Van Der Sloot Lawyer Denies Pregnancy

Monday, October 01, 2012

September 2012 - Recap

My sweet doll,

When I pick you up from preschool, your teacher always tells me something funny (or embarrassing) you said to her.  My favorite one so far is when you and one of your friends were playing outside at the playground.  Your friend started climbing up the slide (something I refuse to let you do - not because you could fall [which you could], but because I don't want you to be a punk kid who goes up the slide and prevents other kids from going down the slide).  You immediately went to your teacher and said "Ms. Kayla, my friend is climbing up the slide!!"  Ms. Kayla then says "Natalie, are you tattling?"  You say "Oh no ma'am, I was just reMINDing you.  Just reMINDing you."  *facepalm*

Speaking of tattling, I'm working really hard trying to get you to stop.  There's a fine line between tattling and telling me if something really dangerous is happening.  I don't want you to NOT tell me things, but I also don't want you to be a meddling little nosy-rosy who fills me on every little time-out in preschool.  A few of my friends call it "informing" and "reporting" instead of "tattling".  You are most definitely an informer.  And a reporter.  Aaaaaaand, quite frankly, a tattler.

Your teacher calls you her "little Momma".  You keep track of what everyone is doing and make sure everyone is behaving.  Hmmm ... that sounds just like what your teacher's job is.  So how about we let her do it - because she's really quite skilled at it.  And you keep doing your job of finger painting, playing at the playground, and putting puzzles together.  And eating.  Because your teacher also calls you the best eater in class.

I have to admit, I'm kind of digging making your lunch.  I don't imagine it'll last for years and years (or even months and months), but I really like it for now.  And I hope you don't get made fun of for what I pack - because it's not a typical 'fun' kid lunch.  You usually have string cheese, a few pieces of turkey, veggies (usually some combination of cucumbers, bell peppers, green peas, sugar snap peas, carrots, or celery).  I'll also stick in a few dried figs for 'dessert'.  I'm glad you like them, because YUCK.  They taste like big, gnarly raisins (and I haaaaaate raisins).

I've been going to the gym a few times a week, and while I usually go while you're at school now, you still ask me how my workout was.  And I'll be darned if you don't call me out if I "only" exercise on the treadmill.
You: What did you do at the gym, Momma?
Me: I walked on the treadmill.
You: What else?
Me: (slightly huffy) That's it!
You: What do you mean?  You didn't do anything else?
Me: Nooo ...
You: Well why not??  Why didn't you lift weights or exercise on the elliptical too?
Me: I got a good workout on the treadmill!
You: Oh.  Well maybe next time you'll lift weights.
Me: [in my head] Oh.  Well maybe next time I'll eat your dessert and you won't get any.  So there.

You've been quite cuddly this month.  Granted, your version of 'cuddly' is still probably light-years away from what is typically thought of as 'cuddly', but I'll take your version any day of the week.  You've given me lots of impromptu hugs and kisses, and snuggled up next to me for longer than four seconds at a time.  After one of your impromptu hugs, I smile and ask "Now how did you know I needed a hug just then?"  You giggle and say "Because it's the afternoon.  And you need an afternoon hug!"  Preach it, baby girl.  Your mommy always needs afternoon hugs.

I feel like I've put this in every recap for the past 10 months, but it's still so true.  You are so sweet to Charlie.  I can't tell you how much joy I get from watching you two together.  You love performing for him, reading to him, and making him laugh.  He thinks pretty much everything you do is fantastic, and you take full advantage of that.  You don't mind if he (accidentally) pulls your hair, you think it's funny when he crawls on top of you, and you love showing him the pictures in your books.  Your latest favorite thing is to have Charlie keep you in company in the bathroom while you, um, take care of business.  You don't want me or Daddy in there, but you roll out the proverbial red carpet for Charlie.  And he's more than happy to oblige.  And I am, too.  Because me?  I'm all for the Smithkids bonding over poop.

Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy

Headlines for October 1, 2012:

  • Obama Leads on Expectations – But the Race Itself Stays Close
  • Diaper Shortage Looms After Explosion
  • American Airlines Seats Become Loose in Flight Before Emergency Landing
  • Fla. Teacher Accused of Trying to Hire Hit Man
  • 3 US soldiers among 14 killed in Afghan bombing
  • Maya prophecies: What were they thinking?