Friday, November 10, 2023

Year 12 - Year End Review

Oh, my favorite little bear1. You’ve hit the last year before teenagerdom, and I forever love having this front-row seat. You continue to amuse and amaze me, and I can’t believe these are your last Top 10 lists as a nonteenager.

Top 10 Favorite Things:

  1. Lego 

  2. Aggravating your dear sister (she’s still got a few inches and 20+ lbs on you, but you still whip up on her)

  3. The Lord of the Rings (it took a few times of you trying to read through the Hobbit and the first LOTR book <”Why does Tolkien take 8 paragraphs to describe a tree?”>, but now you’re a huge fan)

  4. Youth group - after 6 years of wanting to be old enough, the time has come

  5. Your mom. Both the person as well as saying that phrase no fewer than 483 times a day.

  6. Fairness

  7. Playing Fall Guys and Rocket League on the Switch

  8. Doing outdoorsy stuff with Dad

  9. Cool trucks

  10. Carbs (pizza, pasta, sushi, cake, donuts, biscuits - you’re an equal-opportunity carb appreciator)

Top 10 Least Favorite Things:

  1. Beans, tomatoes, most soups (you graciously tolerate my <amazingly delicious> chicken soup), saucy foods, cooked fruit

  2. Dogs

  3. Bees/wasps/yellow jackets 

  4. Talking to people you don’t know well

  5. Saving money

  6. Reading out loud

  7. Meanness

  8. Cleaning up all the Legos in your room (you often have your floor covered in Legos; 5 or 6 years ago, I told you you needed to clean your room. You told me that you like your Legos on your floor because it keeps the robbers and demons out of your room. It’s hard to argue with that kind of logic …)

  9. Not having a phone

  10. Lotion - which is a bummer since you have super dry skin

Top 10 Things You’re Good At:

  1. Lego, specifically designing swords and Star Wars-y vehicles

  2. Math and science

  3. Drawing - it’s been cool to see you develop your own style of drawing

  4. Following the rules

  5. Mowing the lawn

  6. Making people laugh, though we often talk about quality vs. quantity in terms of jokes

  7. Asking deep questions; your curiosity is wonderful

  8. Burping the alphabet - this happens to take the #1 spot on list of the Top 10 Things Your Mom Doesn’t Like

  9. Directions - you’re really observant when we’re in the car

  10. Ice skating

Top 10 Things You’re Not Good At:

  1. Keeping your Lego creations together. It fascinates my brain how you can spend hours putting together a giant and intricate set … and then, some amount of time later (a few days to a few months), you break it apart so you can build something different and/or better. 

  2. Being excited about trying new foods

  3. Keeping your plate in front of you when you eat - it’s usually off to the side from where you’re sitting at the table, which means you’re usually twisting your body so that it’s in front of your plate

  4. Speaking German

  5. Not getting injured; it seems like you’re always covered in bruises and scratches

  6. Enjoying playing a game you’re losing in

  7. Pole vaulting

  8. Tying balloons

  9. Doing math without doodling

  10. Snapping your fingers

What a year of growth you’ve had. You’ve grown physically for sure - you’re up to 5’2” (the height Natalie was 18 months ago) and you don’t show any signs of slowing down. You’ve grown emotionally, which, for your age, sometimes means that your emotions are all over the place. You’ve grown spiritually as you continue to ask deep and hard questions. You’ve grown smarter, and you’ve become quite a writer this year. You continue to ask deep questions about God, and I pray those never stop.

The preteen emotions have definitely arrived. You’ve seen Natalie over these past few years to know just what a wild effect hormones can have on a person, so they didn’t completely catch you by surprise. But it’s still pretty jarring to feel normal one second, completely devastated the next, and end up completely furious - with nothing specific to trigger those emotions. We’re doing a lot of talking and I’m trying to get you to do a lot of laughing. Ridiculous emotions deserve to be laughed at from time to time. 

You and Dad went on a camping trip recently. You had the best time, and I’m so glad I didn’t hear many of the details before you guys left. Hearing about the trails and the cliffs and other drop-offs definitely raised my blood pressure a bit. But the grin on your face as you told me all about it reassured me that this was just what you and Dad needed. I’m so thankful you two had this time together. 

Here are a few more highlights from these past 12 months:

  • You got the DJ to RickRoll our friend’s wedding reception. It was hysterical.

  • You went to Ninja camp and Junior Park Ranger camp this summer

  • You built no fewer than 693 original Lego creations

  • You held a giant snake at school

  • You finally got old enough to join our church’s youth group

  • You got to drive a Corvette simulator 

Keep doing what you’re doing, sweet boy. Keep seeking the Lord. Keep loving your friends and family well. Keep asking the tough questions. Keep doing what’s right even if you’re doing it on your own. Keep your sensitive heart. Keep your eyes on Him as He leads you. 

(And also, keep aggravating your sister. It’s good for her.)

Hugs and smooches,

Mom & Dad

1 You’ll always be my favorite bear, but your description as ‘little’ likely won’t last for many more years. But let’s be for real - even if you end up at 6’5”, I’ll still call you little. Cuz I can. 

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Year Fourteen - Year End Review

Oh my sweet Peach, how can you possibly be 14? It just doesn’t seem possible. I know, I know - I’m like a broken record and say that every year (How can you already be THREE? or Whoa, you’re SEVEN today!) but it’s just hard to believe that this you-existing-thing-and-us-being-parents thing has been going strong for 14 years (well, 14 years plus nine months plus six days plus fifteen hours and 42 minutes … but who’s counting).

Speaking of counting (excellent segue, self), here are your Top 10 Lists …

Top 10 Things You Love

  1. YouTube, specifically Moriah Elizabeth and Studio C
  2. Hanging out with your friends
  3. Your youth group at church
  4. Sushi
  5. Singing
  6. Drawing (pencils and colored pencils are your long-time jam but digital art has become your new jam) 
  7. Your family (I love that you still like spending time with us)
  8. Ice cream
  9. Listening to music
  10. Reading (specifically Keeper of the Lost Cities series)

Top 10 Things You Don’t Love

  1. Emptying the dishwasher (... the dishwasher that’s full of clean dishes … but you don’t mind washing dirty dishes … I’m gonna need you to explain that one to me)
  2. Being corrected
  3. Taking naps
  4. Seeing people get hurt
  5. When you don’t completely and fully master a new topic within 23.7 seconds
  6. Clothes shopping (Hey, clothing manufacturers - believe it or not but some of us really want entire shirts. And hey, Target and Old Navy - it’s super annoying that your sizing appears to be arbitrary. Fitting into a size 2 in one style, a size 8 in another one, and a kids’ 14/16 in another style is absurd. Get it together.)
  7. Babysitting (you’ve never actually done it - but you’ve never done it because little kids aren’t your jam)
  8. Lukewarm showers
  9. Cra-Z-Art anything (*cough*art snob*cough*)
  10. When people are mean to their siblings

Top 10 Things You’re Good At

  1. Performing on stage
  2. Trying any food at least once
  3. Drawing (your talent is astounding)
  4. Making macaroni and cheese
  5. Writing (you have quite a knack for stringing together some real purty, good-sounding words on them thar papers you write)
  6. Sarcasm and dry wit. They make your texting game s-t-r-o-n-g.
  7. Speaking to adults
  8. Organizing your schoolwork/homework for the week. It’s not the easiest thing to be in two different tutorials but you manage it beautifully.
  9. Making cards for people
  10. Ripstiking 

Top 10 Things You’re Not Good At

  1. Speaking slowly
  2. Not squealing when you’re around your friends
  3. Creating the perfect Baked Alaska
  4. Remaining calm when you hear that someone has to go to the bathroom but there’s not a bathroom within the immediate vicinity (just to give your blood pressure a workout while we’re running errands, I’ll announce that I have to go to the bathroom. Your brow gets all furrowed, you slouch your shoulders, and you mutter how mean I am. It’s adorable.)
  5. Asking for help with math homework (complaining about and squawking about you needing help is apparently more fun than simply asking me to help you)
  6. Bowling a perfect 300
  7. Piloting a hot air balloon
  8. Being tall (my guess is this’ll change in 2023)
  9. Speaking fluent Italian
  10. Running an IRONMAN

We’re only a year into the teenage season, but so far I give it two resounding thumbs up. It’s a blast. I love you and your falling-apart-teenage-brain so very much. You’re bold in your faith and wildly responsible with your schoolwork. You know when you’ve hit your Socialization Threshold™ and quietly remove yourself to decompress. You’re impossibly funny, incredibly artistic, and tremendously smart. Even in the throes of the Teenage Angst and Emotions and Feelings and Tears™, you’re a delight.  

You’ve had several art commissions this year. You drew a portrait of my friend and her family for her 40th birthday. She loved it and asked you to draw another picture of her and her family. She turned the second picture into both her Christmas card and her return address stickers. You were so honored. And you ended up doing several more commissions after that! 

So your braces. You still have them on (but only for a few more weeks). At your orthodontist appointment late last summer, you got rubber bands. Dr. Shawn said you had to wear them all the time - that you should only take them out when you eat. And that if you wore them like you should, you’ll get your braces off around Halloween. Well, when a doctor tells you to do something, you do it 110%. And when we went to your next appointment, Dr. Shawn was all, “Um, did you wear these 25 hours a day?!” Cuz you wore them so much that you gave yourself an overbite (THAT outcome certainly wasn’t listed in the orthodontic brochure we got two years ago). Which meant that you had to wear your braces for another three months to undo the damage you did by being a model patient. Yeahhh. THAT was a fun car ride home.

Your youth group started doing a Student-Led Wednesday, where instead of the grownups leading the games and music and giving the message, the students do it. And Levi, the youth pastor, asked you to give the message for the first SLW. You handled this assignment with such maturity (with a dash of OH MY GOSH WHAT DID I AGREE TO DO? I CAN’T DO THIS. I’M ONLY 13. I DIDN’T GO TO SEMINARY thrown in for good measure). You spoke on 1 Peter 2:9 and described what it meant to be chosen. You talked about how we can be bold in our faith because the Lord has called us. You practiced it in front of me a few times, and I cried each time. I recorded you that Wednesday and just barely kept it together. I’m floored with your composure, your boldness, the clarity and simplicity with which you can explain a deep topic. I’m in awe of how the Lord is shaping your faith and deepening your walk with Him. I’m humbled that He gave you to us. 

I can’t wait to see what this year brings. My guess is that it’ll include approximately 5,592 sketches sketched, 92,167 songs sung, 306,928 text message zingers sent, and 476 books read. And probably a few doses of OH MY GOSH I CAN’T DO THIS I CAN’T DO ANYTHING I’M GONNA FAIL SCHOOL LIFE IS SO UNFAIR AND MY LIFE IS THE HARDEST EVERRRRRRRRRRRR.

And we can’t wait for all of it cuz we’re the luckiest parents everrrrrrrrrrr.

Hugs and smooches,
Mom & Dad