Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weekly Natalie - Weeks 112, 113, 114, 115, & 116

Duuuuuuude. Five Weekly Natalie's. How lame that I can't find time to post once a WEEK. Boo to me.

Question: If a toddler's pants are too long, do you roll them up?
Answer: Nope, you hike 'em up, Urkel style.
(if it wasn't obvious, she's holding a rope and jumping.
Jump. Rope. Genius, yes?)
Oak leaves are 99% annoying.
Here is evidence of the 1% of fun:
Trying to catch bubbles that Daddy's blowing
When Lee said he'd only blow bubbles two more times,
master-negotiator Natalie promptly held up
three fingers and said "Fee more times!"
My loves at the Mardi Gras paradeFive minutes after the parade began.
She's not a fan of loud noises. :(

In the past few weeks, we've gone on quite the Tour of Pensacola Parks.

Nat the Surprised Bus Driver
She oozes grace when climbing down stairs
She loves tunnels!
And to demonstrate that love, she busted out some
mad dance skillz.
I see you!
A solo see-er (or saw-er)
YAY for parks!
Busting out with some more mad dance skillz
Making sure I'm watching her
Her PIGTAILS! look funny when she jumps
Pleased with her flight, she busts out even more
mad dance skillz. This looks like The Robot.
Giving the ladybug a hug
Giving the ladybug a smooch
She loves her some Elefun
Her eyelashes kill me.
Cute pouty lips.
How many is too many tutus?
If you're Nat, there's NEVER too many tutus.
Whereeeeeee's Natalie?
There she is!!

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