Tuesday, December 01, 2015

November 2015 - Recap

My sweet girl,

We put up the Christmas tree a few days ago. It tickles me to no end to see how excited you and Charlie get each time we unwrap the ornaments for the tree. "Oh, I remember this snowman!" and "Look how cute this bear is!" and "We need more glittery ones!" (I'll give you zero guesses as to who said that). And I'm also tickled how it doesn't bother you at all that our tree is on the thin side (when you only pay $50 for a tree, you only get $50 worth of nylon needles) or that your momma has zero talent when it comes to decorating a Christmas tree (deco mesh and ribbon and extra garland all intimidate me). You love the tree and everything about it.

You've been writing a lot of stories recently. You wrote a story about a group of mermaid friends ("A Mermaid Tale") and one about robots ("Robots, Robots Everywhere!"). That one was for Charlie. You're currently working on a series of stories about a little girl named Penny Nichols (cute, no?). In the first story, Penny's puppy Spot gets stolen by a bad guy. Spoiler alert: Penny rescues Spot and all is right with the world.

In addition to writing stories, you've also been doing other writing. Like writing paragraphs about Why I Shouldn't Pout and Sigh When I Don't Get My Way. Pouting and sighing have become your go-to response for everything that doesn't fall in line with what you think should happen (which lately seems to be everything). So I made you write about why that wasn't a good option. One of the lines in the paragraph was "I shouldn't pout when I don't get my way because I am not the queen of the world." Stick that in the ol' memory bank, my girl. It'll serve you well for years to come.

Daddy recently put up our basketball goal and lowered it to the lowest setting. The weather has been really nice lately so you spend a lot of time every day practicing your shots. But instead of a basketball, you use a kickball. This is for several reasons. 1) it's lighter so you can throw it higher, 2) you often miss and I don't want my car full of basketball-shaped dents, and 3) you often miss and I don't want your head full of basketball-shaped dents. You don't like to lose and if you're losing, you'll say "Let's pause the game and play something different for right now." But if you're winning, we'll play for hours.

In addition to basketball, you've also been on a Coyote and Road Runner kick lately. Like, it's pretty much All Meep-Meep, All the Time in our house. You and Charlie can't get enough of their antics, despite every episode being exactly the same. As annoying as I find this cartoon, it has brought up some interesting conversations about safety.

You: Rocket-powered roller skates would be pretty dangerous, huh Mommy?
Me: Yes indeed. Don't ever put rockets on roller skates.
You: Okay.
Me: And don't drop an anvil on anyone's head.
You: Well, sure. That'd be terrible.
Me: And gravity's a real thing. Like, if you run off a cliff, you'll fall to the ground. You won't suspend in mid-air and then have the ability to scamper across the sky to the safety of land.
You: Gravity's totally a thing! Momma, I get that it's a cartoon and that it's pretend. I promise I'm not going to call up Acme and order all their crazy stuff.

Not ordering rocket-powered roller skates or anvils. I'd call that a parenting success.

Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy

Headlines for December 1, 2015:
  • Authorities say University of Chicago threat vowed revenge for black teen's shooting
  • Minnesota couple slips $500G check into Salvation Army kettle
  • Burglar stuck in chimney dies after homeowner lights fire
  • Family of Terror Suspect Insists He Didn't Help Paris Attackers
  • Royal Renegade Prince Harry: 'I'm Much Cooler Than My Big Brother'

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