Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Karen's Shower

My mom and I threw my sister a lingerie shower at her house this past Saturday. I had a blast and I'm fairly certain Karen did, too. She did the appropriate blushing and giggling that one should do at a lingerie shower, so I call that a success.

I won't show pictures of the gifts she got since that would be in poor taste, but I'll show a few pictures of the setup.

I looked a long time for cute lingerie shower invitations and couldn't find them anywhere. So I opted to make my own - they turned out super cute (in my opinion) and much less expensive than store-bought ones. And I made them all different to give them a little personality.

(excuse the gray squares;
I didn't think advertising my sister's address
or my phone number would be a
good thing to do on the internet ...)

Here are the gorgeous desserts I got from Sweet Things (the BEST bakery in Pensacola, if you ask me). I got a few Tiramisu, a few Flourless Chocolate Cakes, and a few Key Lime Cheesecakes. And no dessert tree would be complete without a top layer of Thin Mints.

Here was my gift for Karen. I saw it online and thought it was the cutest thing in the world, so I tried my best to recreate it. I was pretty tickled with the result.

(if it's not apparent, it's a towel wedding cake)


Eric said...

First, I'm so excited for Karen and Mike. It's so great. Second, I LOVE your invitations. I wish I was as creative and talented as you. You rock. Third, I am so sick of thin mints. We got some last week and I've been eating a couple every day and now can't stand the sight of them. :) And finally, your towel cake is adorable. Once again, you are very creative and talented. And I think it's pretty obvious what it is, but then again I've oogled cloth diaper cakes so I'm familiar with the idea. :) Maybe I'll make you guys one in a couple years when have kids. :) Love you, Jess

karen said...

my sister ROCKS!

I still haven't taken apart the towel cake, by the way.

Jamie and Jeremy said...

It was a great shower indeed. Thanks for letting me be a part of it! If all else fails, you could go in the shower throwing business! Just think of all the trips to the "naughty" store you'd have to make! :) And who else would think to put thin mints on the cake tree!

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

It looks like it was LOTS of fun. But, I was really hoping to see some "gift" photos. I hear the gifts were "interesting"!!! rae

Lee and Suze said...

Oh no no no ... I couldn't possibly do that :)

Anonymous said...

OK ... I'm ready to see the "REAL" cake photos! It's adorable, Suze! Just as cute as you described! :)