Thursday, August 26, 2010

Weekly Natalie - Week 85

Woo hoo - a Weekly Natalie actually published on a Thursday!

My best girl in the wide world
Posing while snacking
Such a pumpkin!
My little love
Okay, so she still hates baths. Like for REAL hates baths.
But my smart husband suggested bringing bubbles into the bathtub
to make it more tolerable. She loved it! Until, of course, it was time
to rinse off. I'll withhold those pictures. You're welcome.
Oooh bubbles!!
Blowing actual bubbles instead of licking the wand
Sitting on my belly reading The Little Engine that Could.
(side note: She is NOT light as a feather ... ugh ....)
Doing her made-up sign for milk (for the milk bottles
on the page in the picture above)
Apparently I make an awesome jungle gym
My mom did this move with my sister and me when we
were little. We call it Flying Angel. I love that Nat's
big enough for me to do it!
Flying Nattie!

1 comment:

Nicki said...

When did she get so big?!? Her hair makes her look like a little toddler instead of a baby (sniff, sniff). She is a gorgeous little girl. I know you two feel so blessed.