My sweet Peanut,
I'm so curious to know if you'll do something music-related when you're older. You love to sing, you pick up on lyrics with lightning speed, and you can identify most instruments by just hearing them. Three of your favorite songs have Ls in the title. Your sweet voice combined with your inability to pronounce the letter L, makes for some unbearably cute renditions. You get ridiculously excited when "Love Come to Life" (or, "Yuhve Come to Yife"), "Learning to be the Light" (or, "Yearning to be the Yight"), and "Where I Belong" (or, "Where I Beyong") come on KLOVE. You jump up, you squeal, you proudly announce to Charlie that these are your favorite songs. And you can sing about 80% of those songs. I love, love, love it.
You are definitely Pep's granddaughter and Uncle Rich's niece. You like going around the house announcing "Ooh rah, Go Navy."
Our normal bedtime routine is reading you a book, me or Daddy praying, then tucking in you in (after your OCD self makes sure all of your stuffed animals and blankets are in their proper position). One night, it just struck me to ask you do to the praying. And oh my WORD. I can't believe I've waited this long to hear you pray. I so wish I had recorded what you said because I don't remember everything. I was suffocating under the sheer sweetness of your prayer, and the lack of oxygen prevented me from recalling your prayer. Here's what I do remember you prayed for: Bruce [Daddy's really good friend who's been in the hospital for a long time], books, toys, yeggos [Legos], bean bag chairs, Chaw-yee ("because he's a buh-wito" [we had just swaddled him up like a burrito]), hairbows, and Ita [your imaginary friend].
Speaking of Ita, you talk about her nonSTOP. I haven't the foggiest idea where you came up with her. Sometimes your story changes as to who she (sometimes she's a girl, sometimes she's a grownup, sometimes she's an animal). Lately, Ita is your friend from 'caw-wedge' (college). The past few times we've gone to the park, any girl you see is Ita. And you make a point of calling her Ita and announcing to everyone around that she's your friend from 'caw-wedge'. Needless to say, you get some strange looks from kids at the park.
I know this isn't unique to you, but good heavens you're bossy. You're particularly bossy as to how we play (or 'pway') with you. You want our legs just so (and procede to screech if we deviate from your Approved Leg Position plan). You feed us the words you want us to say (and again, you procede to screech if we deviate from your Approved Script plan). You're also bossy about what you eat.
Me: Here's your snack, baby.
You: Oooh, pwetzels! Yum!
You: [after having only taken one bite of one pretzel] And after dis, I can have another snack.
Me: Um, excuse me? How about we try that again?
You: *sighing* After I eat my pwetzels, can I have another snack?
Me: Much better.
Me: Nat, please finish your dinner. Stop being a slow-poke.
You: After I eat three bites, I can have dessert.
Me: I'm sorry, come again?
You: After I eat three bites of my bwokki (broccoli), I can have a cookie!
Me: That's what I thought you said. Mommy will let you know when you've eaten enough dinner to have a cookie.
You: Okay, after FOUR bites I can have a cookie.
Me: Again, Mommy will let you know when you've eaten enough dinner to have a cookie.
You: I can have a cookie after dinner.
Me: [firmly placing my hand on top of my head to keep it from popping off from the sheer lunacy of our conversation] Do you tell Mommy what you're going to do?
You: No.
Me: So let's try the whole cookie scenario again.
After Daddy and I put you and Charlie to bed, we often run through some of the funny things you say. We can't get over how insanely clever you are. And the things that you say that cause us to pull our hair out in the heat of the moment cause us to giggle like a couple of little girls just a short time later. You getting out of bed to complain to us that your NON-MOVING, NON-ALIVE, STUFFED animals are dilly-dallying and it's preventing you from falling asleep drives me BATTY. But after you've fallen asleep and it's just Daddy and me hanging out in the living room? It's hysterical.
You really like Little Einsteins. It's probably one of the least annoying shows that's out there. Each episode included famous art (I'm assuming it's famous - I don't 'get' art, so I don't know what's famous and what's not) and classical music. You love repeating the names of the composers. And I love hearing you repeat the names of the composers - mostly because you mispronounce them. My favorite so far? Johann Spedastian Bop.
So last month (or maybe two months ago. I can't remember. You and your brother have irreperably damaged my brain.) mentioned how you are the ultimate Back Seat Driver. You screech at me to stop when you see a red light, screech at me to go when you see a green light, get upset when you can't SEE the light, etc. And you're still not happy with the I-Can-Turn-Right-At-A-Red-Light-If-There-Aren't-Any-Cars-Coming rule ("Wed means STOP, Momma! You can't GO!"). This brings us to a week ago. We were playing Red Light, Green Light (for the 12 billionth time that day) and you were Green Light-ing it down the hall when I said "Red Light!". And you kept going. So I said "Red Light!" a little louder. And you kept going. So I said "Hey goofball, 'Red Light!' means stop!". To which you said "I know it was a wed yight, but I was turning wight [right] and dere weren't any cars coming." Wise guy. I can see it now. Fast forward three or four years and Daddy and I are having to go to yet ANOTHER parent-teacher conference because you were a smart-alecky-wise-guy-know-it-all. Daddy and I won't admit it then, but we'll be happy to admit it when you're 30 - your smart aleck-iness, albeit infuriating and exhausting at times, is quite funny. But as far as you need to know, it's infuriating. Now turn away so I can laugh, you funny little smart aleck.
Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy
Headlines from April 1, 2012:
- Palm Sunday observed around the world
- No fooling: Asteroid zips close by Earth
- One-man town up for sale in Wyoming
- Are you kidding? April Fools' Day on the Internet
- Mega Millions Winners: Identities Not Yet Revealed
- Is It Over Yet? Gingrich Hints at an Alliance