Thursday, April 05, 2012

Weekly Smithkids - Weeks 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 & 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

So I'm pretty sure that we did cool things this past month. But the past four days have been rough. Charlie got his first ear infection and slept probably 15 hours over four nights. He didn't even sleep that badly when he was a newborn. The antibiotics seem to have kicked in, so he's feeling a bit better. Just in time for Natalie to start feeling ill. Awesome.

So here's how this week has looked.

A lot of this. Particularly at 2 in the morning.
Oh yes. Let's not forget the big, fat tears.
We've had a LOT of those.
And then there's the crumpled face. That's a good one.
And finally, we have the grumpy toddler. A personal favorite.
And me? Well, this about sums it up.
(Except my hair doesn't look this well-brushed.
And I'm in yoga pants and a shirt with drool on it.
And I have three baskets of clothes that need to be folded.
But other than that, this is me.)

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