Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Doctor Swapping

We decided to switch doctors mid-pregnancy. I had no problems whatsoever with our original OB, but because she had worked the past two Christmases, this was her year to take off. GB's due date is December 26th so I was nervous that the doctor who would get to know us and our baby wouldn't be the one to be with us at the hospital. I know there's always a chance (and a good chance, from talking to a few people) that even if she had been in town, she still might not have delivered GB.

Despite that, I still wanted to switch. A woman we go to church with highly recommended a local midwife. As soon as I said the word "midwife" to Lee, I could tell what he was thinking - that the midwife's name was probably something like "Moonflower" or "Stardust" and that I wanted to give birth at home, surrounded by lots of friends and family. I quickly assured him that I wanted to deliver in a hospital (no offense to home birth moms - I'm just not completely sold on the idea), and that there would be a doctor available if something went wrong.

We had an initial visit with our midwife on September 4th. I immediately liked her. She's warm, friendly, and - most importantly - got my and Lee's sense of humor. She said she wholeheartedly supports the type of birthing class that Lee and I are taking, which was nice to hear (since I've heard rumors about medical professionals not particularly liking it). And she's totally on board with me wanting to have an unmedicated birth. She said that she has a very good track record at being at her patients' births - that if she is going to spend time getting to know us, she doesn't want someone else swooping in at the last minute.

The only time she's not at a birth is Christmas morning. She and her husband have two school-aged children, so she always spends Christmas morning with her family. She said that if GB comes on Christmas Day, just to hold off until Christmas Afternoon or Evening and she'll be there. Did you hear that, GB? Hold off at least until our midwife can open presents with her kiddos.

The first 'real' visit with our midwife was on 9/15. The office for my original OB still hadn't released my records to my midwife, so most of the appointment was spent answering health-related questions. We got to hear GB's heartbeat again - that never ceases to amaze me. I forgot to ask how fast it was, but in my expert medical opinion, I'm thinking it was 140ish bpm.

I didn't gain any weight between the 4th and the 15th (or at least her scales didn't show that I did - I beg to differ). So far, I'm up 16.5 pounds.

I start the 3rd trimester (!) on Friday, and Lee says that he's putting me into full Rocky mode: two raw eggs and a quart of milk for breakfast every morning. Ha! Although my goal is to eat 80g-100g of protein every day, I think I'll pass on the raw eggs and opt for cooked ones instead. And maybe not a quart of milk in the morning ... maybe just a big glass instead.

I can't believe we're almost to the 3rd trimester. In other words, non-pregnant people, Christmas isn't too far away!


Jess said...

I'm happy that you're happy with the change. And that Lee came around to the idea. It took a little convincing to get Eric onboard with the midwife thing too. In the end we were all very happy with our choice to use a midwife. IMO it's so much better to have someone there with you through the whole experience and not just come in at the end to "catch the baby."

Wow, 16.5lbs, huh. That's not a lot at all. Of course you gain the most during the last trimester. I think a lb (or more) a week is normal. But it's really not a big deal, there's years after she gets here to worry about losing it.

Congrats on finishing out the first two trimesters so wonderfully. :) This last one can sort of drag on for a bit (or so it seems), but it's the most fun too. You get to get everything ready for her, and really feel her moving a lot, and the anticipation can just about kill you. haha

Love you!!

Nicki said...

It's getting so close!!! I can't wait to meet her and, of course, introduce her to Duke. Although he thinks its fun to push down the little girls right now, but I'm sure he will get past that soon. He will get past that, right?
