Monday, July 27, 2009


I think we have a success! So far, Operation GNTGTSFLPOTWNTBS has been going really well. For the past two unswaddled nights, she's only woken up once - which is how often she was getting up while swaddled. Her naps have been a little harder, but still, nothing too terribly bad. She fusses for a bit and then finally falls asleep. And again, I've set a limit of five minutes. If she cries for more than five minutes, I go get her and try to soothe her back to sleep.

And another benefit of Nat not needing to be swaddled is that she gets to wear her cute little sleepers. Footie pajamas are sweet!


Wes and Rae Leytham said...

YAY!!!!!!!! Good job Natalie!

jamie and jeremy said...

Awesome!! So glad things are going well! Amazing how fast these babies are growing up. I can't wait for Ryan to wear his cute footies jammies too!