Thursday, July 21, 2011

Weekly Buzz - Week 22

I'm about 16 weeks overdue posting a Weekly Buzz, but better late than never, right?!

I found out I was pregnant with you on March 14, 2011. I took the test early that morning, saw that it was positive, and had to muster up some iron-clad restraint not to wake Daddy up and show him. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I casually laid the test on his bathroom sink, knowing that he would find it when he woke up. Your sister (fun fact - that's the first time I've ever seen the word "sister" in print when referring to Natalie. Cool!) and I did our normal morning routine while I anxiously waited for Daddy to get up. Wouldn't you know that he chooses THAT day to sleep in. I felt like a kid at Christmas who just couldn't wait for her sleepy parents to wake up on their own. So I went to our room, lovingly patted Daddy on the shoulder, and oh-so-sweetly asked if he was ever going to get up. Because he needed to get up. Now. He opened one eye, looked at me and asked "Did you take it?" I said I had and he wanted to know the results. I said that if he would simply go to his sink (like I thought he would an hour ago!), he'd see for himself. Cheering, laughing, and crying ensued. Natalie didn't know what was going on, but she thought it was great anyway.

It didn't take long before Natalie named you Baby Buzz Yightyear. And it's stuck. I sincerely hope she's not mad when she finds out you're not actually a Space Ranger. Though, by the time you get old enough for a career, "Space Ranger" might actually be a job. So she might have been right all along.

Let me just say again how glad I am that God isn't swayed by my persistent prayers. Because if I had gotten pregnant when I had wanted to, I would have had you in May. And let's just say that wasn't the best time to introduce a wee little munchkin into Team Smith. I think November will be muuuuuuch better. A November birth will put you and Natalie at about the same age difference that Aunt KK and I are (almost 3 years). And to me, that's perfect.

I first felt you kick on June 19th, Father's Day (what a sweet gift!) at 17 weeks, 3 days. Daddy first felt you kick on July 9th at 20 weeks, 2 days.

We decided not to find out your gender ahead of time. Daddy didn't want to find out with Natalie but I was all looney-tunes-first-time-mom and said that I couldn't possibly NOT find out. I liked the idea in theory, but not in reality. And when we found out you were coming, Daddy said he still didn't want to find out. After some convincing, I got on board. And I am SO excited to wait. The moment you're born is going to be so amazing. (I apologize in advance if the moments leading up to you being born are loud, teary, and profanity-laden. I'm doing this drug-free, so bear with me).

Your due date is 11/24/11 - Thanksgiving Day (which is fitting, seeing as how Natalie was also born on a holiday), but at my 20-week appointment, you were measuring a week-and-a-half ahead, which would put my due date at 11/12/11. My midwife didn't move my due date, but I know starting at the beginning of November, I'll be on pins and needles. Side note - it'd be cool if you were born on 11/11/11. That's also a holiday, and I'd hate for Natalie to have a day off of school for her birthday and you don't. Because then you might try to convince me to let you stay home on your birthday since SHE doesn't have to go to school on HER birthday. So in all fairness, go with 11/11/11 or 11/24/11. Thanks in advance.

I love you so much, Baby Buzz. And I can't wait to see you. And kiss you. And discover you're a mild-mannered excellent sleeper (ha!). And introduce you to the pure wackiness that encompasses Team Smith.

Hugs and smooches,