Thursday, September 01, 2011

August 2011 - Recap

You might notice (you know, when you can read and stuff) that this recap might not be as detailed as previous recaps. The main reason for that is our fun houseguests we had for almost two weeks! My very dear friend Nicole and her sweet girls (5 1/2 years old and 2 years old) came to visit us this month. I've never really seen you fully interact with other kids before, so I was a little nervous as to how you'd handle our visitors. Sure I've see you play *around* other kids and *near* other kids but not really *with* other kids. Well all that's changed. You and Nicole's girls played so, so well together - it honestly floored me. You three built Lego castles together, colored together, made Play-Doh sculptures together, and did unknown (but, from what Nicole and I could gather, some very giggly) things together back in your bedroom. Nicole and I would be sitting on the couch, actually having grown-up conversations (you know, ones that don't involve poop, sippy cups, and/or tantrums) and you three girls would be playing nicely in your room. And this happened many, many times over the 12 days. It was wonderful seeing you so comfortable and it was wonderful that you didn't need me by your side the whole time they were here. After you ate your breakfast in the mornings, you couldn't WAIT for Keira and Naomi to come out to the living room to play. As soon as you heard their door open, you jumped up and ran to see them. And most mornings started off with you chasing Keira around and around and around the living room and dining room. I loved every second. I'm so proud of you for being perfectly content playing with the girls. I know it might sound like a small thing, but trust me, my little love, it was a huge thing. You're making so much progress and I'm tickled pink over it.

Well Mommy and Daddy did it. We're official surburbanites who now drive a minivan. My Accord was totally fine, but as my belly is expanding at an exponential rate, it's getting harder and harder to bend over to get you strapped into your carseat. Having two carseats in the back of my car could have worked out fine, but with the amount of gear that you require plus the amount of gear that Baby Buzz will inevitably require, it just made sense to get something bigger. I only had two requirements (automatic sliding doors and rear air-conditioner), but those two requirements are standard on pretty much any minivan made in the last decade, so I was easy to please. You're completely fascinated by the doors opening and closing by themselves. And I'm fascinated by how much easier it is to get you in and out of the van. I'm also enormously thankful that now, when I get you out of the van, you're not a sweaty mess anymore. You're now an air-conditioned mess.

You started 'school' (ie: Mother's Day Out) (ie: a nice four-and-a-half-hour break once a week) this month. I was so, so proud of how you handled it. We walked up - to a new place, with new teachers, with new students, with lots of other kids crying in the hallway - and you started to panic a little. Totally understandable. We talked a bit about how much fun you'd have, about all the fun toys they have to play with, and about how you'll get to drink JUICE with your lunch (sidenote: you having juice is a rarity. You're a water-or-milk kind of kid, but I figured you'd feel left out if all the other kids had juice boxes with their lunch and you had water.) Hearing about juice really perked you up and you let me walk you down the hall to your room (the Kangaroom Room, by the way). I dropped off your bag, signed you in, and led you to the box of gigantic Legos. You were halfway through building an impressive tower when I reminded you that I wasn't staying and that it was time for me to go. You teared up (again, totally understandable), but looked at me and said "Momma, I'm gonna twy to be a bwave girl." It was quite possibly the sweetest thing I've ever heard. When I picked you that afternoon, the teacher said you did a great job but that you didn't sleep during 'rest time'. She said that you kept saying "I yike to seep in my own bed!" Ha. When you saw me at the door, you jumped up and squealed "Momma, I obeyed!! And I'm seepy. I need a nap." When we got in the van, I asked what you did at school. Your reply? "I ate yunch!" Then you asked me what I did while you were at school and I simply said "Oh, I just ran some errands. Nothing fun." In reality, though, I went to Barnes & Noble and ate a blueberry scone while I read magazines. Then I went home and watched a little bit of The Price is Right. Then I met with Daddy to sign some paperwork for our van. Those four-and-a-half hours were delicious, and it was made all the more delicious knowing that you had a great time at school. Oh, and for your second week of MDO? As we were walking to your room, you looked up at me and said "Mommy, school's scawwy but I gonna be a bwave girl in shining armor." Just when I think you can't get any more adorable.

I'm hoping so very much that this was the last month where it's too miserably hot to play outside. I long for Fall when we can spend as much time as we want outside without the fear of bursting into a ball of flames (or a ball of sweat - both options are awful).

One of your latest favorite things is to round up Daddy and me and have us sit on our bed. Then you climb up, open up Daddy's bi-fold business card case like a book and 'read' to us. You usually say something "Are you weddy for my good stowwy, Mommy and Daddy? Are you? Are you?" After you're satisfied that we're appropriately ready, you begin. "Once upon a time, but not too yong (long) ago ..." Then you look at us and ask for more confirmation that we are, in fact, ready for your good story. Then you announce you're going to turn the 'page'. You close the business card case, open it back up, and squeal THE END! I didn't do the cuteness any kind of justice by typing it all out, but believe me, little love, it's cute overload.

You actually say 'Smith' now, not 'Smiss'!! You looked so tickled with yourself when you first said it, in part because you saw how my jaw hit the floor when I heard you make the 'th' sound. You like to pronounce 'air conditioner' as 'eshen guntainer'. Sometimes you'll pronounce it correctly, but then you'll quickly 'correct' yourself and say it wrong. You also like to sing the wrong words to the Sesame Street theme song. FYI: the air is SWEET, not CLEAN. SWEET rhymes with STREET. CLEAN ... not so much. But you think it's hilarious to say 'clean' and try to get me to correct you. Have I mentioned lately how you're a funny little punk with an awesome sense of humor? Because you are. Funny. And a little punk. And you have an awesome sense of humor. And you're also a little punk. Did I forget to say that you're also a little punk? My punk. My awesome little punk.

Hugs and smooches,
Mommy & Daddy

Headlines for September 1, 2011:
  • Rhode Island also feeling big Irene impact
  • Flooded Vermont sees slow progress
  • After taking $800k pay cut, generous schools chief to donate reduced salary
  • US marks first casualty-free month in Iraq since 2003
  • Gadhafi vows no surrender: 'Let Libya burn'
  • Venus Williams: What Is Sjogren's Syndrome?
  • Nancy, Graceful? Will She Be Dancing's 'Bad' One?
  • Sebastian Bach Loses Home to Hurricane Irene

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