Friday, October 14, 2011

Weekly Natalie - Week 144

Natalie's latest favorite thing is for me to take a video of her and for her to watch it afterward. She calls the 'Natalie video' a 'show'. As in, "Yet's watch da show, Momma!"

Here she is 'reading' Pat the Bunny to me.

(Yep, you heard that right. She asked if Paul and Judy were healthy. Silly kid.)

Here she is 'reading' Scuffy the Tugboat to me.

In case you're having a hard time understanding her, here's what she's saying: Scuffy was sad. He [something, something] loud things. My arm. The teddy bear came into the storm. And one day, they catched the polka-dot tie with the man with the hair with the boy's hair. With the bathtub. With the water things. And, uh, and the end!

1 comment:

Pearl Photo said...

Nice blog