Friday, November 07, 2008

The Uncomfortableness

I feel very fortunate that I've had such an uneventful pregnancy. And while it's still uneventful, at around 31 or 32 weeks I finally hit the wall, otherwise known as The Stage of Constant Uncomfortableness (I know, I know - not a word).

I had read how uncomfortable women get in the 3rd trimester, but I guess I didn't know the magnitude of it until it happened to me. I'm not in the "get this kid out of me NOW" stage, but I'm definitely feeling the effects of my body slowly getting ready for the labor and delivery part.

Sleep? Ha! I simply don't think there are enough pillows in the world to help me sleep soundly. Though if I'd stop whining for a second, I'd remember reading that waking up every few hours to go to the bathroom or to rearrange my mass of pillows is really God's way of getting me prepared to wake up every few hours to feed GB. It's pretty amazing to think of it like that. But it's hard to remember that when my hips are yelling at me.

And it's hard when I look to my right and see Lee sleeping soundly. I've had fleeting thoughts of elbowing him in the back to wake him up so he could sympathize with me, but then I think that doing it would be cruel. It doesn't stop me from thinking about doing it, though. (And don't worry - I've mentioned this to him already, so it's not like I'm having these cruel thoughts in secret).

But there's only seven (!) more weeks left. I can totally suck it up and get through this final stretch. (But sometimes I just need to whine.)

Weight gain: 27.4 lbs


Jess said...

Oh, I have been there, believe me. It is uncomfortable, and sleep is so difficult. And it's get better and worse (in different ways) once GB arrives. I mean, you aren't so uncomfortable you can't sleep - in fact you fall instantly to sleep anytime you get the chance. But sleep is so limited and disruptive that it's exhausting. And if you are lucky, GB will sleep through the night early, unlike Linc, who still gets up during the night now even though he's 2. You get used to it to an extent, but the exhaustion is indescribable.

And as far as elbowing Lee - don't. :) But if while you are getting up with the baby repeatedly you find him sleeping with ear plugs in (like my wonderful hubby) then you may slug him. :) LOL

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

It is TOTALLY God's way of preparing you for no sleep. I am a firm believer in that. Now you know why women in their 3rd tri sleep on recliners in the living is too torturous to see their baby's daddy sleeping so soundly.