Saturday, January 17, 2009


There's something that Lee and I recently discovered about Natalie ... maybe this is common among all newborns, but we've certainly never seen it mentioned in any of the baby books we've read.

This child often sounds like a feral pig. (Do I have any experience with feral pigs? No. But her noises sound like how I would imagine a feral pig to sound.)

She grunts, she snorts, she makes very unladylike noises ... especially when she's nursing. It's a bit disconcerting to hear such noises while she's latched on to me.

Does she have a deviated septum? Who knows? All we know is that she could make her own best-seller sound effects CD.

So we've added "Petunia" to Natalie's list of nicknames that Lee and I call her. Porky would be very proud.


Jess said...

In my experience, it's normal. Eric and I were shocked with Elijah - thought he sounded like an old man. Lots of grunting, especially when sleeping. And you're right - no one tells you to expect it. :)

Jeremy and Chrissy said...

Thats funny. Brayden sounds like a cat.
