Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weekly Natalie - Week 32

Man, Week 32 was chock full of cute pictures.

(People have commented to me how happy Natalie always looks, how she couldn't possibly ever be fussy or whiny. And I have to withhold laughter. In my opinion, Natalie is fussier than the average baby. But when she's happy, she's so happy. There are ample opportunities for me to take pictures of her crying, whining, and/or fussing. But I choose to wait until I can get smiley pictures.)

Trying on her fairy wings and tutu for Sydney's
Peter Pan birthday party
(Our house is now covered in glitter from those wings)
Got tangled up in my purse and started rolling around the living room
Stoic baby
Un-stoic baby

I'm in love with her cheeks
I'd love for her to take piano lessons when she's older

At least she's good-natured about falling over

Would rather eat the basketball than play with it

My little puppy dog
She does this a lot. I know - ew.
Introducing my new favorite picture of her!


Unknown said...

What a great way to start the day - even at work: lots of new favorite views of my favorite granddaughter! Thanks, Nat's Mom.

The Skippers said...

She is soooo cute! She gets cuter and cuter every time I see her. That made me laugh about everyone thinking she is happy all of the time, how could you say she was fussy. My mom says the same thing about Lucy. You just have to smile. They are both sweet!

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

Hello, my name is Natalie and my cuteness is OFF the charts.