Saturday, November 21, 2009

Waving, Clapping, and Blowing Kisses (sort of)

Natalie is now an expert waver - and I must say, it's the cutest thing ever. She waves at people when they come into the room, she waves at strangers at Walmart, she waves at her reflection in the mirror. She's mastered both the open-handed-rotating-wrist wave and the open-fingers-close-fingers wave (except with that one, she opens and closes her fingers the wrong direction, so she's essentially waving at herself - but who cares?)

And she also claps. I'm actually surprised she likes to clap because she used to haaaaaate the sound of people clapping (it's what caused her to burst into hysterics at her dedication at church!). But she claps now, and it's adorable. And like waving, she claps when people come into the room, she claps for strangers at Walmart, and she claps at her reflection in the mirror.

Just recently, I've been having her blow kisses at friends and family (sorry, people at Walmart - you don't get kisses just yet). This pretty much consists of me putting Natalie's hand to her mouth and then sweeping it away. But a couple of days ago, she brought her hand to her mouth like she was trying to do it herself!

Have I mentioned that Lee and I think she's the most adorable person on the planet? Because she is.

1 comment:

The Rudegeairs said...

The backwards wave is actually how kids wave in Nat's just really cultured!