Thursday, January 07, 2010

Whole Milk

Natalie gives whole milk a solid C+. She didn't hate it; she didn't love it.

I had to take the spill-proof thing out of her sippy cup for the milk to come out, so it could just be that she didn't like it coming out so fast.

The thought of whole milk gives me the willies ... besides a milkshake, nothing should coat the inside of a cup. Blech. But that's beside the point. She needs whole milk so she'll get whole milk. But this is one thing that we will not be sharing.


Jess said...

It takes them a while to make the transition to whole milk. Just keep trying!! (And let it be known that I let Linc have vanilla flavored milk for many months - because I wanted him to drink SOMETHING - and then had to wean him off that to whole milk). It'll be fine. :)

And congrats on nursing the whole first year. That's great! It's just how long I nursed E.

Jason said...

My little Kaitlyn doesn't do well with Dairy, so we've got her on Soy Milk. Every once in a while, she'll steal her brother's whole milk and she makes this funny "ooh yucky" face.

And yea, congrats on making it a year with nursing. We made it a year with Kaitlyn. We only made it 9 months with Josh because Kaitlyn happened and they told Stephanie to stop nursing while she was pregnant.