Thursday, September 02, 2010

Weekly Natalie - Week 86

Hooray! The return of my PIGTAILED! little love. I can't believe how long her hair is getting. Her PIGTAILS! aren't little paintbrushes anymore; they're actually bouncy and curly (and, of course, sweaty, but that goes without saying)

Some Daddy/Nattie reading time
Being a total goofball at the park

PIGTAILED! cuteness
PIGTAILED! peekaboo
Happy after her last trip down the slide
PIGTAILED! swinging
Out of the bus ...
In the bus! (her favorite game at the park)
Whoa ...
I love her crinkly, smiley eyes
Super cheeseball
Doing her Laundry Basket Dance
Giving her frog a new home
Her surprised (and yogurt-y) face
Trying to get me to chase her
(two nanoseconds after I shot this picture, I did)
Time for a Seuss break
Reading her Sesame Street book in the dustpan.
Don't ask me.

1 comment:

The Skippers said...

These pictures are great! She is the cutest! I wish I could get Lucy's hair into pigtails. I love it! Miss seeing you guys too.