Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Facebook Hijacking

So someone hijacked my Facebook account. I'm half amused and half annoyed. The story "I" used was that "I" was in London and got robbed at gunpoint. They took my wallet, cell phone, everything. So "I" logged onto my Facebook account to ask my "friends" to wire "me" some money. Riiiiiiight.

I had no idea anything happened until my friend emailed me and told me she had a 30-minute chat with me about how I was in London. She was worried for a few seconds that it might actually be true, but when "I" told my friend that NJ was missing five days of school because of our London trip, she quickly realized that it wasn't me.

I was able to log on to my account and change my password, but now when I try to log on, I get a message saying that my account is disabled.

Thanks a lot, Facebook Hijackers.

1 comment:

Nicki said...

That really stinks! I was really confused this morning when Lee posted that his wife was in London without him. I hope it gets fixed soon.