Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weekly Natalie - Week 37

Each week (or each day, really), Natalie seems to get faster, busier, noisier, more focused, and more determined. It's so fun watching her play by herself. She'll crawl over to the toy basket and methodically pick up each toy and toss it aside. She knows what she's looking for and is adamant about getting it. Lately it's been a pink rattle; this kid loves her rattle.

And I love this kid's eyelashes. Are you kidding me with those lashes?!
Our maturity level is something to be envied.
(Yes, my hair is naturally that curly. Ugh.)
Grumpy Grumpersons

Next time, I'll plan our outfits better. We clash pretty badly.

There are those munchable cheeks again!


Miri said...

Lee seems to have the greatest tee shirts! What does yours say?

Lee and Suze said...

Isn't that shirt the best? It has a picture of a baseball catcher on it, with his mitt out - he wore it when Natalie was born!

My shirt says "There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't." He recognizes my incredible geekiness :)