Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Great Negotiation

I married a wonderful guy - he's hilarious, he thinks I'm hilarious (or at least mildly funny), he's tall, he's smart, he's a hard worker. But there's one thing he's not good at ... he's not good at not gagging while changing Natalie's dirty diapers. I'm by no means a fan of poop, but after changing a year's worth of poopy diapers, I'm pretty unphased by it now. I just tell myself that poop = healthy baby.

I'm not good at many things, but one specific on is vacuuming. I do NOT like to vacuum. I like to think it's because our behemoth we call a vacuum is old, loud, and heavy. That if I had, say, a Dyson Ball vacuum, I'd discover a new love of vacuuming. But alas, we have a Dirt Devil that weighs approximately 400lbs, isn't self-propelled, and sounds like a jet taking off when I turn it on.

I presented Lee with a proposition the other night ... that I would change all of Natalie's dirty diapers if he would be in charge of vacuuming the house.

I think it's a pretty sweet deal ... he doesn't have to worry about gagging from Nat's diaper surprises and I don't have to lug our dumb vacuum around the house.

But he hasn't agreed to it yet. *keeping my fingers crossed*

1 comment:

Jess said...

Sounds like a good deal to me. I'm all for extra help with the housework. And I don't mind changing the diapers - I changed a good 99% anyway. ;)

Although I might negotiate for the dyson ... LOL