Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weekly Natalie - Week 62

Natalie was nowhere to be seen yesterday. Some little person who looked like her was here, but this Impostor Natalie (IN) was a complete pill from the second she woke up to the second she went to bed. I'm not talking about normal, no-big-deal, occasional whining. No sir. IN was in full-on temper tantrum mode. We're talking flinging herself onto my lap, doing several pelvic thrusts, kicking her feet, and screeching like a stuck pig. For no reason. I didn't take a toy from her, I didn't tell her she couldn't do something, and I sure as heck didn't take her Cheerios away from her. Apparently an air molecule hit her the wrong way and she thought it was The Most Devastating Thing To Ever Happen To A Person Ever In The History Of The World Ever (TMDTTEHTAPEITHOTWE). So me, not wanting to buy into her dramatics, calmly walked away. Well now that Natalie is walking, she's much quicker at finding me. I walked away to the dining room and before I knew it, IN had found me and had proceeded to continue on with Act II of TMDTTEHTAPEITHOTWE. Repeat me walking away. Repeat IN performing Act III through Act XVI of TMDTTEHTAPEITHOTWE. Needless to say it was a looooooooong day yesterday. Thankfully IN is nowhere to be seen this morning, and my occasionally-grumpy-but-more-often-happy baby girl is in her place.
IN was in a good mood for approximately five minutes yesterday. Here's how she spent those five minutes:
Apparently she spent those five minutes looking for a particular sock. Thankfully she found it.
One second, my fridge looked like this ...
The next second, Hurricane IN swept through and left a pile of magnet letter distruction
This picture was taken a few weeks ago - I just forgot to post it. We were at a birthday party at Gymboree and Nat kept her shades on the whole time. She usually HATES wearing sunglasses, but I guess she finally realized that her future was so bright ...


nicki said...

I am so glad that you are okay and that Miss IN as left the building :) Was the carseat in the car? If so, make sure you tell the insurance company that and they should get you a new one.

Lee and Suze said...

Thanks Nicki! I totally forgot about that. The adjuster is coming out today, so I'll be sure to tell her.

Unknown said...

Lots of adventures last week - add these to your growing stack of family stories! Hope this week is a bit less dramatic - and still full of good times!