Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekly Natalie - Week 64

Weekly Natalie - Week 62 and 1 Day. Oops.

We had a first yesterday though. Lee AND I AND Natalie all got sick at the same time. It was just a cold thankfully, but it was enough to wipe us completely and totally out. Natalie had the lightest case (thank you God), so she was snotty but didn't feel bad enough to cuddle. Boo. And let me tell you, I would have LOVED to cuddle on the couch all day and watch movies. But no. My snotty girl had other plans.

I'm feeling tons better today and Natalie doesn't seem to feel any worse, so at least there's that. Puffs Plus gets to stay in business for another 412 based on how many boxes of tissues I bought yesterday.

NJ is all about 'reading' by herself lately. She doesn't have the
patience anymore to sit in our laps while we read to her.
It was mighty nice of her to put the counting of airplanes
on hold while I take a picture of her
She's my best audience.
We went to Kangarooz with Uncle Cam, Aunt Sara,
and Cousin Ella last weekend. It's like Chuck-E-Cheese.
But waaaaaay better. And with far fewer mean, face-scratching kids.

Friendly, good-natured Ellaroo with
wary, sensitive Nataroo
Daddy and Natalie playing in the bounce house
Seeing if it's okay if she climbs on the pelican.
I personally thought she should have asked permission
from the pelican and not Daddy.
Calamity Jane strikes again
My little puppy
Daddy's so fun
Almost 15 months of her tongue taking residence outside her face!
She looks like she's begging for a treat
Test-driving the four-wheeler outside Bass Pro Shop
Aunt Sara and Nataroo
I love Ellaroo's curls
Friendly Ella and Grumpy Nat
Going down the slide for the first time by herself
Going down the slide for the second time by herself
Is there a funnier face in the history of faces?
I think not.

LOVE x 1000!!

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