Friday, February 05, 2010

30 Day (or you know, not really) Shred

I have no problem admitting how incredibly nonathletic I am. I have zero coordination, I stumble into anything and everything, and I don't have much of a competitive spirit. It's a Suze Trifecta, if you will.

Pair that with being a complete wuss if the temperature rises above 75 degrees, and it's easy to see that I'm an indoors kind-of-girl.

That said, I so want to be a runner. I did it for a few months, and got into really good shape. But I never loved it. Heck, I never even liked it. But I tried to keep it up until the weather got warm, and then I had to hide away indoors until the Fall. I also worried about my knees - they never felt good after I ran, so that kind of scared me from pushing myself too much.

I feel terrible in the summer. It seems like I get a headache every day, and I'm highly turned off by getting sweaty just from walking to the mailbox. The humidity here is outrageous; my goal during the summers is to go from one air conditioned place to another as quickly as I can.

But I want to get in shape. I don't necessarily care what the scale says - I'm 5'11" and will never be 130 lbs, so I choose to not harp on the numbers. What I want is to feel better, to have more energy, and to fit into my clothes a bit differently.

And I have a good motivator. One of my very best friends is getting married in April. I'm her matron of honor (side note: could "Matron of Honor" possibly sound any more, um, matronly? Ew.) and get to wear a beautiful, strapless, turquoise gown.

I did Pilates a few years ago, and while it helped me with my flexibility, it wasn't a good cardio workout. After reading a lot of good reviews on the 30 Day Shred, I decided to go with that.

So that's what I'm doing to get in shape. In order to hold myself accountable, I've decided to document my progress on my blog. Maybe if I post my workouts, then I'll guilt myself into sticking with it. Maybe?

I don't plan to do the workout every day. My goal is 3 days a week. Back around November, I did Level 1 for a couple of weeks. It was okay, but I never could get through the 20 minute workout. On a goof, I decided to try Level 2. And while I can't finish that one either, I like it better than Level 1.

So yesterday, I started back with the workouts. I'm sticking with Level 2, and hopefully it won't be too long before I can get through a workout with stopping.

Jillian Michaels, you are one tough cookie.


Jess said...

Don't you just love to hate Jillian? LOL And I keep my eye on Anita back there, with the modifications. ;)

Lisa's wedding has been a motivator for me too. I haven't seen everyone in so long, and I have a strong desire to feel attractive while there.

I agree that numbers don't matter. It's about feeling good, physically and emotionally.

Anyway, I started the shred last week. I only managed 2 days of the week - I was too sore the other days to do it. LOL I plan to do 3 days this coming week. It will be fun that we are doing it at the same time - we can keep tabs on each other. ;)

Lee and Suze said...

Oh man, Anita's my girl!! I can't watch Natalie and have my self-esteem remain in tact.

Let's definitely keep tabs on each other! April will be here before we know it!